サンフランシスコを拠点とするアンビエントプロデューサー、Celestial Trails デビューアルバム『Lunar Beachcomber』を4月12日にリリース


カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコを拠点とするFluttery Recordsの創設者Taner Torunのアンビエントプロジェクト、Celestial Trailsがデビュー作『Lunar Beachcomber』を4月12日にリリースする。



自然の限りない美しさ、都市の風景、宇宙の魅惑的な謎にインスパイアされた『Lunar Beachcomber』は、静かな草原、賑やかな街並み、そして広大な宇宙空間を思わせるみずみずしいサウンドスケープで、あなたを未知の音の領域へと誘う。

オープニング・トラックの 「A Pair of New Wings」は、自然や生命との深い個人的なつながりをオーディオで表現している。


入念な処理によって、エレキギターは慣れ親しんだ皮を脱ぎ捨てる。Time Collapse on the Threshing Floor」と「The Crudest Luminescence」の洗礼されたエレクトリック・ギターは、雰囲気のあるアンビエント・サウンドスケープにシームレスに溶け込んでいる。しかし、ストリングス以外にも驚きがある。

「このアルバムのすべての謎を明かしたくはないが、耳を澄ませば「Spell Machine Manufacturing」で鳥の群れを聴くことができる。それらの謎は、一連のフィルターとテープ操作によってうまく隠されている」

その抽象的な性質にもかかわらず、このアルバムには識別可能なメロディーが残されている。SFやシュールレアリズムの要素を取り入れた "Lunar Beachcomber "は、豊かで質感のあるアンビエント体験を提示しながらも、そのルーツは地球にしっかりと根付いている。


Celestial Trailsは、地上のささやき声と宇宙のハミングが交錯する、音の風景への誘いを広げている。リスナーはこの聴覚の旅に出るとき、この宇宙のビーチコーミングの聖域での、はかなくも魅力的な体験を思い起こすことだろう。




Celestial Trails, the San Francisco, California-based solo ambient music project of Fluttery Records founder Taner Torun, makes its debut on Lunar Beachcomber.

Celestial Trails paints sonic tapestries layer by layer, seamlessly blending the warmth of organic textures from piano, analog synths, electric and bass guitars with the precision of virtual electronic instruments. Organic recordings are enriched using electroacoustic techniques such as reverb, delay, harmonizing, tape manipulation, and sonic deconstruction. Additionally, tape-manipulated field recordings captured during nature hikes and city walks are seamlessly integrated as another layer.

From seed to final form, Lunar Beachcomber’s recording process unfolded between June 2023 and January 2024. The first recording was in Pittsburgh, PA on a sleepless hot summer night, while the last one took place in San Francisco, CA. All recordings for the album were captured exclusively in these two cities.

Inspired by the boundless beauty of nature, urban landscapes, and the alluring mysteries of the cosmos, Lunar Beachcomber invites you to explore uncharted sonic territories; lush soundscapes, evoke tranquil meadows, bustling cityscapes, and the vastness of outer space.

The opening track, “A Pair of New Wings,” serves as an audio representation of the profound personal connection to nature and life.

“Over the past five years, I’ve embarked on incredible hikes across the United States, from discovering the trails around Finger Lakes in upstate New York to wandering along the Lackawanna River. I’ve witnessed the vibrant colors of Mount Rainier in Autumn and experienced the serene beauty of Mount Tamalpais in California winter. Sharing the same muddy ground with mudskippers in Kauai was just one of many memorable moments. Each journey has been profound, integral to my healing journey, offering me solace, inspiration, and a newfound sense of freedom.”

Through careful processing, electric guitars shed their familiar skins. The washed electric guitars in “Time Collapse on the Threshing Floor” and “The Crudest Luminescence” are seamlessly integrated into the atmospheric ambient soundscape. However, there are more surprises beyond the strings.

“I don’t want to reveal all the mysteries of this album but if you listen carefully you can hear a flock of birds in “Spell Machine Manufacturing”. Those mysteries are well hidden with a series of filters and tape manipulations.”

Despite its abstract nature, the album retains discernible melodies. Infused with elements of science fiction and surrealism, “Lunar Beachcomber” presents a rich and textured ambient experience, yet its roots remain firmly planted on earth.

“We often forget that our planet is smaller than a grain of sand on a beach. Life is a gift, and our time on this planet is limited. We should strive to make this experience easy and pleasant for each other.”

Celestial Trails extends an invitation to traverse sonic landscapes, where earthly whispers intertwine with cosmic hums. As listeners embark on this auditory journey, they are reminded of the fleeting yet intriguing experience within this cosmic beachcomber’s sanctuary.

Celestial Trails『Lunar Beachcomber』

Label: Fluttery Recrods

Release: 2024/04/12


01 – A Pair of New Wings

02 – Lunar Beachcomber

03 – Time Collapse on the Threshing Floor

04 – Lighthouse Behind the Glowing Tree

05 – Spell Machine Manufacturing

06 – Egg Hatching in the Violet River

07 – The Crudest Luminescence

08 – Touchdown on Interstellar Shores



