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Whitelands ©︎ Courtesy of The Artist |
「I tend to find things that relate to my own emotions and have them as an influence」- 私は曲を制作するとき、自分自身の感情に関連するものを見つけて影響を受ける傾向がある。(Whitelands-Etienne)
今年始め、バンドは新作アルバム『Night- Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day』をSonic Catherdalからリリースした。このアルバムは日本のシューゲイザーファンからも支持を獲得した。
2024年に入り、Whitelandsの快進撃はとどまることを知らない。Rough Tradeのイベントに出演したほか、8月上旬にはソニック・カテドラルが主催するイベントで、Slowdiveと共演を果たす。
Whitelands- Etienne(エティエンヌ): バンド名のWhitelandsは、私が在籍していたローハンプトン大学(ホワイトランズ・キャンパス)から取ったんだけど、実は大学にはあんまり行ってなかったんだ! よく友達の誕生日にアコースティック・セットをやっていて、それがバンドの始まりだろうね。
ーーニューアルバムのタイトル 「Night-Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day 」の由来を教えてください。
Etienne(エティエンヌ): このアルバムのタイトルは、『預言者』という本の中に出てくる「夜に縛られた目が昼に見えないフクロウは、光の神秘を解き明かすことができない」という言葉から来ているんだ。アルバムのテーマと共鳴する、とてもかわいらしい言葉だと思っているよ。
Etienne(エティエンヌ): 具体的には思い出せないんだけど、アルバムが完成したときの達成感かなあ。超集中していました!!
Etienne(エティエンヌ): 他の人たちのことはよくわからないけど、マイケルはジャングル、ドラムンベース、エイフェックス・ツイン、シューゲイザーのようなエレクトロニックなものをよく聴いているよ。ヴァネッサはメタルとパンクが好きなんだ。
Etienne(エティエンヌ): そうだね。面白いことに、アニメ、映画、本が多いかな。アニメは大きな存在だと思うよ。
なぜなら、実は、僕自身はアニメのオープニングがきっかけでロックに目覚めたから。思い返すと、Akgの「ハルカカナタ」と「アフターダーク」が最初に聴いた曲だったと思う。ジャグンとマイケルもアニメはよく見てると思う。僕とマイケルは「serial experiments lain」とか「welcome to nhk」みたいなニッチなものが好きなんだ。
「tell me about it」では、ウォン・カーウァイ(香港の映画監督)の「fallen angels」がパラレルになっている。私は、曲を制作するとき、自分自身の感情に関連するものを見つけて影響を受ける傾向がある。実はそれは、碇シンジのことでもあり、私のことでもあります。
Etienne(エティエンヌ): 私は人とのつながりに苦労している部分があるので、そういう意味では似ていると思うよ!
Etienne(エティエンヌ): シューゲイザーは誰にでも演奏できるし、表現しがたい感情を持つこともできる! みなさんもぜひバンドを作ってください!!
Etienne(エティエンヌ): 武道館をソールドアウトさせるようなバンドかな。でも、きっと多くのバンドがそう言うんだろうね...。
「Tell Me About It」- 『Night- Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day』
London four-piece shoegaze band Whitelands are a band to watch out for as guitar rock fans. The line-up consists of Etienne, Michael, Jagun and Vanessa. The band, led by vocalist Etienne, began their career while studying at Roehampton University in the UK. Initially, they performed acoustic sets at friends' birthdays.
Earlier this year, the band released their new album ”Night- Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day” on Sonic Catherdal. The album gained support from shoegaze fans in Japan.
We were able to ask Etienne, the band's vocalist and frontman, to briefly answer some questions about their new album, what kind of music and culture influences them and their future plans. Etienne also says: ‘I'm happy to hear that there are shoegaze fans in Japan. I'm studying Japanese’.
Entering 2024, Whitelands' rapid rise continues: in addition to appearing at Rough Trade events, they will perform with Slowdive at an event organised by Sonic Cathedral in early August.
--...I heard that the band was formed at a university in the UK, do you have any sort of secret story behind the formation of the band?
Whitelands(Etienne): The band name came from Roehampton university where I had a performance, but I wasn’t actually going to the university! I was doing an acoustic set for my friend’s birthday, and it just happened to be there!
--Please tell us Origin of the title of the new album “Night-Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day" .
Whitelands: The title of the album came from a quote in the book The Prophet “The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light”. It is a very pretty quote that resonated with the themes in the album.
--Were there any memorable moments during the recording of the latest album?
Whitelands: I cannot remember anything specifically, I think that feeling of having it finished hit us afterwards. We were super focused!
--What kind of music do you guys listen to on a daily basis?
Whitelands: I’m not too sure about the others but Michael listens to a lot of jungle, drum and bass, Aphex Twin, very electronic stuff with some shoegaze. Vanessa loves metal and punk.
Jagun listens to a lot of paramore, poppy-stuff, hip-hop and rap. I (Etienne) listen to a lot of neo-soul, shoegaze stuff too, AKG has been coming up a bit more in my playlists and some number girl.
--If you had to name a culture or medium that has influenced you besides music, what would it be?
Whitelands: Funnily enough, lots of Anime, Films and Books. I think anime is a big one because it was my first introduction to Rock music because of the openings, when I think back I think 「Haruka Kanata」and 「After Dark」 by Akg were the first songs I heard.
I think Jagun and Micheal watch a lot of anime too, Jagun more than Michael, but me and Michael like the niche stuff like 「serial experiments lain」 or 「welcome to nhk」.
I have watched a lot of anime in my lifetime so it definitely did have a big influence especially that garage sound of the 2010s. I was also watching evangelion around the time of the album recording and related a lot to Shinji and he was the parallel for the song “chosen light”.
Films are definitely a big one, with “tell me about it” having “fallen angels” by wong kar wai as the parallel. I tend to find things that relate to my own emotions and have them as an influence when writing songs, so it can both be about shinji ikari and also about me.
--You say you identify with Shinji Ikari of Evangelion, in what ways do you find a affinity with him?
Whitelands: I think I struggle a lot with human connection, so I think in that way, i am a lot like him, although his situation is probably a lot tougher than mine!
--What do you want to communicate to your fans through your music production and live performances?
Whitelands: Anyone can play shoegaze, anyone can have emotions that are hard to describe, nothing can stop you! Make a band!
--What kind of band do you want to be in the future?
Whitelands: The type of band that sells out the Budokan, but I bet a lot of bands say that….