◆ MOULD Bristol up-and-comer explains about making debut EP -ブリストルの新進気鋭 デビューEPの制作について語る-
EPのリリース後、イギリスの気鋭のメディア、DORKでは特集が組まれたほか、続いて、彼らの楽曲はBBC 6 Musicでオンエアされた。コアな音楽ファンの興味を惹きつけることに成功している。
Mould: うん。ジェームズは、今ロンドンに住んでいて、ジョーと僕(ケイン)はブリストルにいる。今のところギグが目白押しでなかなか忙しくてね。とにかくEPをリリースできてとても満足しているよ。
ーー2023年末に 「Birdsong」でデビューし、今年8月に記念すべきデビューEP 『Mould』をリリースしました。このEPであなたがたが最も表現したかったことは何ですか? また、どのようなサウンドを目指しましたか?
ーーデビューEP『MOULD』のレコーディングはどうでしたか? 印象的な瞬間はありましたか??
Mould : EPのレコーディングは本当に楽しかった。ハイライトは、ロンドンのスタジオでハッリ・チェンバースと『Glow』をレコーディングしたことかな。EPの最後に収録されていて、4曲の中で一番気に入っている。ハリーとのレコーディングは最高だった!! 大きな屋上で演奏できたし、角を曲がったところにあるカフェでは巨大なオムレツが食べられたしね。理想的だったよ!!
ーーMOULDの曲作りの秘密をこっそり教えてもらえますか? 曲作りがどのように始まり、洗練されていくのか、そのプロセスについて知りたいです。
Mould: うーん、本当に曲によって変わるからなんとも言いがたい。僕(ジョー)がアイデアを持ってリハーサルに持ち込んで、それを一緒に曲にしていくこともある。
たくさんのアルバムを出して、ゆくゆくはジャパン・ツアーをするようなバンドになれたらいいと思っているよ! 新曲も山ほどあるし、早く次の作品をリリースしたくてウズウズしているところさ!!
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Release: 2024年8月2日
2.The Space You Take Up
3.Bird Song
◆Episode In English
In 2023, a fresh punk band from Bristol emerged from ‘’Nice Swan‘’. The band ”MOULD” combines the rough-hewn riffs of Stiff Little Fingers and the exhilaration of a engine running at full throttle, the complex rhythms of modern post-punk/math rock, and the melodic elements of Green Day. This is a three-piece with a very promising future.
MOULD may be both a starting point and the result of the moment. After releasing their debut single ‘Birdsong’ late last year, they quickly became one of the hottest names in the game. Currently, one of the members is in London and the other two in Bristol.
The band released their debut EP, 『MOULD』, after the release of the singles ‘Cable’ and ‘Glow’. Their music is filled with a universal love of punk, including hardcore punk, alt-rock and emo.
Following the EP's release, the band were featured in the UK media DORK, and their music was subsequently aired on BBC Radio 6. They have succeeded in attracting the interest of core music fans.
We contacted them this time because we had high hopes for what the band would become and were attracted by their highly original sound, which is unlike any other band of the modern era.
Ahead of their upcoming live show in France/Paris, we were able to speak briefly to the band members about the most notable Punk Trio's recent developments and the making of their debut EP.
Please read the Q&A episode below.
--I understand that you have recently moved your base of operations from Bristol to London. How is life these days?
Mould: We’re actually a hybrid of Bristol and London at the moment, James is living in London whilst Joe and I (Kane) are nestled away in Bristol.
Life is grand, we’re busy boys at the moment with plenty of gigs on the horizon, and chuffed with the EP being out in the wilderness.
--You debuted late last year with the release of "Birdsong", followed by your debut EP "Mould". What did you want to express with this EP? And what kind of sound did you aim for?
Mould: We didn’t go for a ‘sound’ particularly, we’ve been in many bands together leading up to Mould, It’s very much us, playing what we like at each other. We share the same influences and they’re pretty eclectic, we love a concise punky tune.. “for the short attention spanned” I’ve seen written somewhere. That we are.
--How was the recording of your debut EP? Were there any memorable moments?
Mould: We had a great time recording the EP, the highlight would probably be recording Glow with Harri Chambers at his studio in London. It was the final one we did for the EP and it's our collective favourite of the four. We had the best time recording it with Harri - was a big fun day, big rooftop for us to play on and gigantic omelettes from the caf round the corner. Ideal.
--Can you give us a sneak peek into MOULD's songwriting secrets? I would like to know about the process of how songwriting begins and is refined.
Mould: It changes song to song really. Sometimes I'll (Joe) have an idea and will bring it to rehearsal and we'll turn it into a full song together. Sometimes I might bring in a nearly finished song and we'll just work it out together/put the finishing touches to it. For example, Cables was one I wrote and brought in pretty fully formed and Glow was one that started with Kane's bassline and we worked on it together until we had a full song.
So no set method really, we just see what works - we're quite lucky in that being in a room together playing music, or otherwise is our favourite thing to do and we usually manage to come out of a rehearsal with a few phones full of voice notes of new ideas.
--From listening to the debut EP, it seems that MOULD's sound currently encompasses everything from punk to alternative rock. Can you tell us what kind of music you usually listen to?
Mould: Yeah there's a lot of punk stuff (punk, hardcore, post punk, post hardcore, math rock pop punk all that stuff etc) but we'll listen to absolutely everything. Lots of hip hop and Brazilian soul at the moment.
-- After the release of your debut EP, you guys got a lot of attention, including being featured in the UK media. Do you have any vision of what kind of band you would like to become in the future?
Mould: Hopefully one that puts out lots of albums and gets to tour Japan! We've got stacks of new music on the way, can't wait to start pumping it out.