【Interview】  Lawns   ベルリンのポストハードコアバンドの出発  世界の深刻さをはねのける力

Interview-  Lawns  ベルリンのポストハードコアバンドの出発  世界の深刻さをはねのける力

Lawns via Fatcat

デビューバンドといえば、一般的には十代後半の若者が集まって、面白くてワクワクするような計画を始めることをイメージする人が多いかも知れない。この場合は、まだ自分が何者であるかわからない中で、自分のやるべきことをがむしゃらに暗中模索していくのが常である。しかし、ベルリンのポストハードコアバンド、Lawnsはその一般的な事例に当てはまらないかもしれない。 この三人組は、社会的な経験を積んできた中で、あえて「バンド」という一見無謀にも思える選択肢を選んだ。Lawnsの歴史は、2021年のCovid-19の時期に始まった。ロックダウン等、社会的な移動が制限される中で、彼らの活動はシークレットにしておく必要があった。




そして実際的に、Lawnsのデビューアルバム「Be A Better Man」は、そういった現実の中にある深刻さを吹き飛ばすような楽しさに溢れている。彼らの音楽には、ノイズロック、パブロック、サーフロック、ロカビリー、ポストハードコアなど、無数の多彩な音楽のエッセンスが散りばめられている。そして、ベルリンのアンダーグラウンドの匂いがほのかに匂い立つことがある。


しかし、アンダーグラウンドの雰囲気というのは、そう簡単に醸し出せるものではない。音楽を一般的に普及させていく過程で、誰もが主流の音楽に影響を受けざるを得ないし、それらの一般化の波に飲み込まれてしまう場合がある。すると、ドイツの実験音楽にかこつけて言えば、Einsturzende Neubauntenのようなアンダーグラウンドの空気感を放棄してしまう結果にもなり得る。






ーーLAWNSの略歴を教えてください。 結成秘話はありますか?

読者の皆さん、こんにちは!!  LAWNSでギター、バリトンギター、ボーカルを担当しているベンです。もう一人のジョー(ギター、ヴォーカル、バリトン)とは昔、2006年にロンドンで知り合ったんだ!!  僕は彼の元パートナーでバンドメイトのメルと一緒に仕事をしたことがあったんだ。彼らは「Chapter 24」というバンドで一緒に演奏していた。2016年に彼がベルリンに移る以前、ジョーはリスボンに、そして、僕はベルリンに移った。僕たちは後になって再会し、”エイブル・ボディーズ”というバンドを始めたんだけど、このプロジェクトはあまり上手くいかなかった。そのバンドを解散して、新しいプロジェクトを始めようと思ったんだ。

それで、ドラマーのオーディションを始めたんだけど、あまり上手くいかなかった。ポルトガルのリスボンに住む友人のロドリゴが(偶然にも!)、トビアスと連絡を取ることを勧めてくれた。彼らは”Golden Hours”というプロジェクトで一緒に演奏していた。コーヒーを飲んで意気投合し、スタジオに入って曲を書くことに決めた!! 



僕たちはベルリンのシーンで良い名前を築き上げ、街の外でも少し演奏するようになった。そこからレーベルの”FatCat Records”(イギリス、ブライトン)と連絡を取り、シングルを何枚か出し、最終的にはアルバムを出すことになった。2024年9月にアルバムを出す前に、2023年にヨーロッパとイギリスで2週間のツアーを行った。2025年もツアーを続け、次のアルバムを作る予定だ。


・・・秘話だって? ちょうどパンデミックの真っ最中に最初のEPを書いたから当初はこのことを秘密にしておく必要があったんだ!

ーー先月、デビュー・アルバム『Be A Better Man』が発売されました。タイトルの由来を教えてください。このアルバムを聴く際に、リスナーにはどんな点に注目してほしいですか?

Lawns: これは「Eggshells」(デビューアルバムの9曲目に収録)という曲の歌詞から来ています。


”Try to be a better man, try to do the best you can"(もっといい男になろう、できる限りのことをしよう)。まあ、本当にその通りなんだけど、この曲は、より広い意味が込められていて、できることならもっといい人間、もっといい男になろうということを歌っているんだ。




--Lawnsには、Gang Of Fourのドラマー、Tobias Humble(トビアス・ハンブル)が在籍しています。彼のドラミングのどこが素晴らしいと思いますか?


Lawns:  トビアスはいろいろなプロジェクトで経験を積んでいるから。ツアーやレコーディングの経験も豊富なんだ。パンク/インディーの世界では、GoFが最も知名度が高く、称賛を浴びていると思う。彼はとても多才で、とても音楽的なドラマーだと思うし、実際に作曲もできる!




ーーLawnsは、Jesus Lizard、Fugazi、Shellacから強い影響を受けたと聞いています。具体的には、彼らのどのようなDNAを受け継いでいると思いますか?








ーーベルリンのライブシーンで話題になっているようですが? ギグにはどれくらいの観客が集まりますか? また、ライブをする上で、あなたたちが最も大切にしていることは何ですか? 



例えば、先日のアルバム発売記念ギグでは、100人以上の観客を集めました。これは、大したことないように聞こえるかもしれないけれど、僕らにとってはすごく大きなことなんだ! 私たちは、タイトなライブ・パフォーマンスをすること、みんなを踊らせること、みんなを笑顔にすることを大切にしてます。また、新しい人たち、新しいバンド、プロモーターに会うのも素晴らしい。


 Lawns: デビューアルバムは2回に分けてレコーディングしたので、とても興味深い内容になっていると思います。75%は2022年に、最後の4分の1は23年に録音しました。古い曲はもともと、EPにする予定だったんだけど、ファット・キャットからアルバム1枚にするように言われたんだ! 

2023年に書いてレコーディングした曲の方がずっと好きだ! よりダイナミックで、よりメロディアスで、より複雑で、より成熟していると思う。だから、2023年4月にこれらの曲をやったのは本当にいい思い出になった。私の記憶では、レコーディングは簡単で、すぐにいい音になったよ!!




■ Episode In English  


-The departure of a Berlin post-hardcore band.  The power to splash out the seriousness of the world.-


When people think of a debut band, they may generally think of a group of young people in their late teens getting together and starting an interesting and exciting project. In this case, they are usually groping in the dark, struggling to figure out what they are supposed to do, while not yet knowing who they are. Berlin post-hardcore band Lawns, however, may not be a common case in point. The trio dared to take the seemingly foolhardy option of ‘band’ in the midst of their social experience: the history of Lawns began during the Covid-19 period in 2021. With lockdowns and other restrictions on social mobility, their activities had to be kept secret.

Perhaps intuitive listeners may detect a deep connection between this episode and Lawns‘ musicality: Lawns’ music has the power to defy social conventions and common sense. Their music can push the boundaries of noise and dissonance, but it is wrapped up in a bit of humour. As the world becomes more serious, engaging with this kind of wit and humour in music can be far more important than general labour and distraction.

And practically speaking, Lawns' debut album “Be A Better Man” is full of the kind of fun that blows away the seriousness of such realities. Their music is sprinkled with the essence of a myriad of diverse musical influences, including noise rock, pub rock, surf rock, rockabilly and post-hardcore. And there is sometimes a faint whiff of Berlin's underground.

However, an underground atmosphere is not something that can be created so easily. In the process of popularising music, everyone has to be influenced by mainstream music and can be swallowed up by those waves of generalisation. This can then result in the abandonment of an underground atmosphere such as that of Einsturzende Neubaunten, to put it in terms of German experimental music. On the other hand, fortunately for Lawns, their project was launched under the cover of a pandemic climate. This allowed them to concentrate on and refine their music without being desensitised by the prevailing music. And this has given the trio's music a solid strength, forming an ethereal sound that cannot be found in any other sphere.

We were able to talk to Berlin's Lawns member Ben about the band's beginnings, how they got their act off the ground, the making of their debut album, and their influences from Fugazi. reminiscent of Lawns‘ Revolutionary Summer days, Lawns’ intense Their punk sound may well become a household name in the local music scene in the future.

--Can you give us a brief biography of LAWNS?  Do you have any secret stories about the formation of the group?

Lawns(Ben):  Hi readers! I'm Ben and I play guitar, baritone guitar and sing in Lawns. I met Joe (guitar, vocals, baritone) a long time ago in London when we were around 20/21, in 2006! I worked with his ex-partner and bandmate, Mel, who's a good friend of mine. They played together in a band called Chapter 24. Joe moved to Lisbon and me to Berlin, before he moved to Berlin in 2016. We reconnected and started a band called Able Bodies, but that never really did much. We dissolved that band and wanted to start a new project. 

So we started auditioning drummers but didn't really have much success. A friend of mine, Rodrigo, who lives in Lisbon (coincidentally!) recommended we get in touch with Tobias. They play together in a project called Golden Hours. We met up for a coffee, got on well, decided to get into a room to write some music, and the chemistry was really instant! We were able to write a surprising amount of music really fast. From there we put out our debut EP "Fine" and started gigging in Berlin. Mostly DIY shows, outdoor, anything really. This was in 2021 right in the middle of the COVID pandemic.

We built up a good name in the Berlin scene and also started to play outside of the city a bit. From there we got in touch with our label FatCat Records (Brighton, UK) who agreed to put out some singles and eventually an album. We did a two-week tour in Europe and the UK in 2023 before putting the album out in September 2024. We now plan to continue touring in 2025 and write another record. 

Secret stories? Well, we actually wrote the first EP and started jamming twice a week right in the middle of the pandemic when it was technically 'illegal' to do that in Berlin. So we had to keep it a bit of a secret at first!

--What is the origin of the title of your debut album "Be A Better Man"? What would you like listeners to look out for when listening to this album?

Lawns: This comes from a lyric in the song Eggshells: "Try to be a better man, try to do the best you can." Well, really it's quite as it says, the song is just about being a better human being, a better man, if you can. Much of the record explores related themes: themes of masculinity, issues with mental health, relationships and so on. Writing lyrics for me is definitely very cathartic and I tried to be extremely open in my lyrics for Lawns. I would like people to listen to our lyrics - like any lyric writer does - and hopefully find something relatable in them, and hopefully they can make the listener feel better!

--Lawns has a drummer from "Gang of Four", Tobias Humble. What do you think makes his drumming so great?

Lawns:  Tobias has a lot of experience with many different projects. Lots of touring and recording experience. I guess GoF is the most visible and well-known and carries the most kudos in the punk/indie world. I think he's a very versatile, very musical drummer, who's able to actually write music! Personally, I had never really written with a drummer who was so well-rounded and involved in the creative process. I think his experience in all these different projects has made him into that kind of drummer: he really hears songs as full band pieces, not just beats, like so many drummers do. Personally I like the way he plays drums, he has great energy and always plays for the song. But it's his ability to freely improvise that I like the most. 

--I hear that Lawns was strongly influenced by Jesus Lizard, Fugazi, and Shellac. Specifically, what DNA do you guys think you inherited from them?

Lawns:  Well, people often say we remind them of those bands and I guess we did say we liked those bands once or twice, haha! I don't think they're a HUGE influence on the band as a whole. All three bands were definitely a big influence on me, personally, in how I play guitar. Less so in how I sing. But I think our trebly, cutting guitar sound, the space in our music, the vocal delivery and quiet/loud dynamics took something from those bands. Also in how Fugazi took a punk blueprint and really just went in all kinds of directions with it, that was very inspiring to me. I think of those three bands, Shellac is probably the least influential on us. But we all like that band. 

--You seem to be the talk of the town in Berlin's live scene? How big of a crowd do you get at your gigs? What do you guys value most when it comes to playing gigs? 

Lawns: I'm glad that people seem to value us as a good, exciting and maybe above all things, a tight live band. I think we can pull a good crowd in Berlin after working here for a few years. At our recent album launch gig ,we pulled well over 100. Maybe that doesn't sound a lot, but it was a big deal for us, especially since we really started from zero and never had much help! I think we value putting on a tight live performance, getting people to dance and making people smile. We also love meeting new people, new bands and promoters. 

--If you had to pick your most memorable memory from the recording of your debut album, what would it be?

Lawns: Well, it's interesting because we recorded the album in two parts. 75% of it in 2022 and the last quarter in '23. The older songs were originally going to be an EP, but FatCat told us to do a whole album! The songs we wrote and recorded in 2023, I much prefer! I think they're a lot more dynamic, a lot more melodic, more complex and a lot more mature. So going in to do those songs in April 2023 was a really nice memory. They were - as I remember - easy to record and sounded good pretty much straight away! 




Lawns  『Be A Better Man』/ Fatcat  - Now On Sale!!


1 I Remember

2 Misinterpretations

3 Bottled Up

4 Best

5 Interlude

6 Surf

7 16

8 The Worrier

9 Eggshells

10 You

11 Friends 

Listen/Purchase(International):  https://fatcat.lnk.to/lawns-beabetterman

