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マサチューセッツを拠点に活動するシンガーソングライター、4オクターブの声域を持つヴォーカリスト、Jordan Duffy(ジョーダン・ダフィー)がニューシングルとミュージックビデオ「Not Your Dream Girl」をリリースした。ミュージックビデオと合わせてチェックしてみよう。
この曲は、映画『シックスティーン・キャンドルズ』を見ている時に書かれた。もしジョン・ヒューズの映画がハッピーエンドじゃなかったら、こんな曲はどんな風に聞こえるだろう? ビデオのストーリーは、ジョーダンが高校時代の片思いの相手に拒否されるのをスパイしていた宇宙人が、後にその宇宙人がジョーダンを振り向かせるために高校時代の片思いの相手になりすますというもの。プロデューサーのパーティー・ネイルズとジョーダン・ダフィーは、モダンな80年代のシンセ・サッド・ポップ・ソングを作り上げた。この曲は、私が想いを寄せていた友人のことを書いたの。
「Not Your Dream Girl」
Massachusetts singer Jordan Duffy, who has an incredible four-octave vocal range, has released her new single ‘Not Your Dream Girl’ with a music video. Check it out below.
The song was written while watching the movie Sixteen Candles. Jordan Duffy thought, ‘what if these John Hughes movies didn’t have a happy ending, what would a song like that sound like?’.
The video's storyline, showcases an alien spying on Jordan being denied by her high school crush, later that alien pretends to be the high school crush to win Jordan over! Producer Party Nails and Jordan Duffy create a modern ‘80s synth sad pop song that you can’t stop dancing to. She shares, "This song is written about a friend that I had feelings for, but I knew it would not go any further.
--I always saw him as my Jake Ryan. He does not and will never know this was written about him. But it has become one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.--
【Jordan Duffy】
ジョーダン・ダフィーは、ダイブ・バーでの失恋、女性のエンパワーメント、一夜限りの恋、ゾンビの恋人など、題材に触れた楽しくも重要な音楽のリリースで知られている。このソングライターは、ウィアード・アル・ヤンコビックのために歌い、「Just Between Us」のポッドキャストのテーマ曲のヴォーカリストでもある 。
その後も勉強を続け、Earwolf/Stitcher Podcastsで初の女性オーディオ・エンジニアとして活躍している。そこで彼女は、ウィアード・アル・ヤンコヴィックと歌ったり、『The Office Ladies』で 「Total Eclipse of the Fart 」を自ら演奏したり、「Just Between Us 」ポッドキャストのテーマ曲のヴォーカリストを務めたりする機会を得た。
Jordan Duffy is a singer, songwriter, producer, and senior audio engineer whose sound stretches across a multitude of genres such as indie, pop, americana, and alternative. The artist is influenced by the likes of Adele, Lake Street Dive, Yola, and Charlie XCX, to name a few. Originally from Worcester, Massachusetts, she began her music career writing songs about heart breaks in dive bars, female empowerment, exploding toads, one night stands, and zombie lovers.
At 18 years old, her first professional show was opening for The Allman Brothers Band guitarist Dickie Betts. It was in college when she discovered her 4 octave range while studying and performing Opera.
She continued her education and landed her role as the first female audio engineer at Earwolf/Stitcher Podcasts. There she has had the opportunity to sing to Weird Al Yankovic, do her own rendition of “Total Eclipse of the Fart” on “The Office Ladies”, and is the vocalist for the “Just Between Us” Podcast theme song. You may even recognize her (and her laugh) as Engineer Jordan from the “Best Friends” podcast.
Her new single "Not Your Dream Girl" was written while watching the movie Sixteen Candles. Jordan Duffy thought, ‘what if these John Hughes movies didn’t have a happy ending, what would a song like that sound like?’.
The video's storyline, thought up by the Painfully Creative Production team, showcases an alien spying on Jordan being denied by her high school crush, later that alien pretends to be the high school crush to win Jordan over! Using "If You Were Here" by the Thompson Twins as their inspiration, producer Party Nails and Jordan Duffy create a modern ‘80s synth sad pop song that you can’t stop dancing to. She shares, "This song is written about a friend that I had feelings for, but I knew it would not go any further. I always saw him as my Jake Ryan. He does not and will never know this was written about him. But it has become one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written."